School Governance

St Paulinus C.E. Primary is supported by a Local Governing Body (LGB) who act as critical friends to the Principal and senior leaders of the school. They support the strategic role that is the responsibility of the Trust Board.  If you have any queries and would like to understand more about the governance structure, please contact the Company Secretary and team at  If you are unhappy about something that has taken place within the school, this should be directed to the Senior Leadership Team or

Our Governing Body:

Mrs Charlotte Rhodes

Mrs Jo Joynes

Mrs Sylvia Smith

Fr Paul Prentice

Mr David Crook

Mr Richard Demuth

Mr John Nichols

Mrs Francess Aboderin

Miss Hannah Childs


Local Governing Body Chair

Vice-Chair / Governor





Parent Governor

Staff Governor

Appointed 17.04.23

22.11.21 - 21.11.25 (Chair 09.21)

01.02.22 - 31.08.26 


01.12.22 - 31.11.26

14.12.23 - 13.12.27

08.01.24 - 07.01.28

27.02.24 - 26.02.28

01.09.23 - 31.08.27


Mr Gordon Rollo

Mrs Joanne Netherton (Employee)

Mr Carl Richardson (Parent)

Mrs Kaliminwa Bolawole (Parent)

Mr David Crook 



04.01.22 - 31.08.23

17.04.23 - 31.08.23 (Interim)

04.01.22 - 23.06.23

04.01.22 - 23.06.23

19.09.18 - 18.09.22 (Term ended)




Related Parties

Mr P Rhodes is the CEO.  

Mr P Rhodes had no involvement in the appointment of the Principal at St Paulinus CE Primary School.  


On behalf of the governing body, I would like to welcome you to our school!

We are a Church of England School and fortunate to have the involvement of the Rector and Curate from St Paulinus Church.

School governors are one of the country's largest voluntary groups and here at St Paulinus our Governing Body consists of parents, staff, and members from the local community. This voluntary group will work closely with the Head Teacher, to provide strong strategic leadership to a school, and ensuring accountability for its educational and financial performance.  

Governor’s review and agree key school policies. This year governors have approved many policies and we continue to follow a rolling programme of reviews.

The board will continue to focus on helping deliver the school improvement plan, keep safeguarding at the forefront of our minds and implement our plans to ensure our financial situation remains healthy. Post the COVID-19 pandemic, we will also keep a close eye on the implementation of the changing requirements issued from the government and maintain the current excellent safety of the staff and children. Another important role for governors is ensuring the safety and well-being of the children and we have a nominated Governor for Safeguarding who reports to the governors about any safeguarding matters.

Our Governing Body is currently made up of 8 Appointed Governor members including: 

  • The Principal of the Academy,
  • 1 staff member,
  • 1 Governor – not Local Authority nominated,,
  • 4 Foundation Governors.

We are currently recruiting for parent governors, we look forward to informing you of the outcome in the near future. 

Governor Roles 2023/24

Chair:    Jo Joynes
Vice Chair: Sylvia Smith

Some of the Specific Governor Roles

Health and safety
Pupil and sports Premium



I became a Parent Governor in 2018.  I have the privilege of working with an amazing team of dedicated Governor volunteers and the school leadership team.  During this time, I have acquired considerable experience in the life of a Primary school.

Both my children attend St Paulinus in KS2 and living locally I was keen to invest in the school and lend my time and skills if they could be used.

I was co-Chair in the 2020/21 academic year before becoming Chair in 2022. Once again, I look forward to working  closely with the leadership team in 2023/24 in the position of Chair to review the school improvement plan, safeguarding practice and holding the school to account for putting in place measures to keep all St Paulinus children safe.

I look forward to continuing my Governor role.

Jo Joynes


LBG – 4 times a year
Finance and Resources – 3 times a year
Admissions – Once a year

Contact Us

As a Governing Body, we welcome any comments or feedback you would like to make. You can provide feedback by contacting any member of the Governing Body through the School office.

"He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”  Psalm 40:2.