School Governance
At Amadeus Primary Academies Trust, the Local Governing Body plays a crucial role in upholding the Trust's values of Driven by Love and those held by our Schools. Comprised of dedicated individuals from various professional backgrounds, the Local Governing Body works tirelessly to support the Trust in achieving its strategic objectives, maintaining high educational standards, and ensuring the well-being of all our students.
The importance of the Local Governing Body cannot be overstated, as they provide valuable oversight, guidance, and challenge to the leadership team. By actively engaging with stakeholders, monitoring performance data, and promoting a culture of continuous improvement, the Local Governing Body strengthens the governance structure of the Trust and enhances its overall effectiveness.
Through their unwavering commitment to excellence in education, the Local Governing Body at Amadeus Primary Academies Trust exemplifies the highest standards of governance and upholds our collective responsibility to provide the best possible learning environment for all our students.
If you have any queries and would like to understand more about the governance structure, please contact the Company Secretary and team at If you are unhappy about something that has taken place within the school, this should be directed to the Senior Leadership Team or
Our Governing Body:
Mrs Charlotte Rhodes
Mrs Jo Joynes
Mrs Sylvia Smith
Fr Paul Prentice
Mr David Crook
Mr Richard Demuth
Mr John Nichols
Mrs Francess Aboderin
Miss Hannah Childs
Parent Governor
Staff Governor
Appointed 17.04.23
22.11.21 - 31.08.24 (Chair 09.21)
01.02.22 - 31.08.26 (Chair 08.24)
01.12.22 - 31.11.26
14.12.23 - 13.12.27
08.01.24 - 07.01.28
27.02.24 - 26.02.28
01.09.23 - 31.08.27
Mr Gordon Rollo
Mrs Joanne Netherton (Employee)
Mr Carl Richardson (Parent)
Mrs Kaliminwa Bolawole (Parent)
Mr David Crook
04.01.22 - 31.08.23
17.04.23 - 31.08.23 (Interim)
04.01.22 - 23.06.23
04.01.22 - 23.06.23
19.09.18 - 18.09.22 (Term ended)
Related Parties
Mr P Rhodes is the CEO.
Mr P Rhodes had no involvement in the appointment of the Principal at St Paulinus CE Primary School.
"He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” Psalm 40:2.