

At St Paulinus, children are admitted to the Reception Class in September of the year in which they are five. All children are admitted to the school at the same time in September. There is not a second intake in January or April.

Only 30 places are available in the reception class and these are allocated using the school's admissions criteria. Every year, we have many more people wanting places than we have to offer. Subsequently, we have to have a set of over-subscription criteria to fairly allocate the 30 places. The details of these are outlined in the admissions policy.

The deadline for applications is 15 January 2024. Primary allocation emails are sent on 16th April 2024. In order to apply for St Paulinus, you must complete TWO FORMS (regardless of whether you are a Church attendee or not).   These are:

A clerical reference form for those currently attending St Paulinus church and also other churches also needs to be completed and returned - please see below which can also be downloaded and printed.

We will be holding two open day sessions to give you the opportunity to meet with school leaders, hear about our school and have a tour of the school building and grounds. These are on:

Tuesday 7th November at 2pm

Tuesday 14th November at 2pm

You do not need to book to attend these sessions.  We look forward to meeting you.

In Year Admissions

If you would like to place your child(ren) on a waiting list, please email and apply to Bexley in Year Admissions using this link:

You must provide the following information in your email: Name of child / Date of birth / Present address / Telephone number / Previous school / Reason for transfer / New address if moving into the area / Year group.

In order to ensure that the process for admissions is fair and transparent for everybody, St Paulinus Church have introduced a card system for attendance. The cards will be available to collect in the Church office.  Your card will need stamping each time you attend Church which needs completion after the service in the Church hall.

We urge you to collect a card because our admissions criteria 1-3 specifically state attendance for 1 whole year at St Paulinus Church and this will be an effective way of demonstrating that this has been the case for you. We understand that, due to COVID there have been times during this year where the Church was not open. Our admissions policy has been adapted accordingly and agreed by the EFSA so please read points 2 and 5 in our over subscription criteria.