Year 4

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back! The final term of Year 4!

This half term, we are back to PE on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child comes to school with a water bottle and earrings removed. 

A polite reminder:

  • Every child to bring a water bottle in daily to school - essential for hydration and focus.
  • Read daily and record this in the Reading Record.
  • No birthday sweets or goodies to be brought into school. Any items to be distributed from the school gate at collection please. Alternatively, we would very much welcome a new book for the classroom; I will add  a dedication to your child inside. 
  • Continue to practise times tables to 12 x 12. Many children are still not demonstrating confidence with this and the Multiplication Check is now imminent. 

Please continue to support your child in using Timestables Rockstars. It's a valuable and fun resource to secure learning. 

If you need additional support when helping your child at home with maths, please remember that the APAT maths helper videos demonstrate how maths is taught at St Paulinus and across the Trust. These can be viewed on the APAT YouTube channel or via this link:

Amadeus Math Helper Videos

As always, thank you for your continued support and if you need anything or have any questions do please get in touch. 
Mrs Pike