Parent Forum
The SPS Parents’ Forum Group was set up in order to share the progress the school is making and look for ways to ensure that every child at St Paulinus receives an excellent education academically, socially and emotionally, meaning that they leave us with the skills necessary to progress to secondary school.
The Parent Forum meets once a term or half-term to discuss school-related issues. The meetings are led by senior school staff and governors. Meetings are informal and a genuine opportunity for open discussion. Examples of issues that could be discussed include:
- School development planning
- The curriculum
- School trips and events
- After school clubs
- Parents evenings
- Views on school policies when they are updated e.g. Behaviour Policy
Parents can ask their class representative to raise an issue or make a suggestion on their behalf at Parent Forum. All issues raised should be general issues, not related to a specific child or incident.
Members of the Parents’ Forum are encouraged to share information from the sessions with parents of other children in their child’s class. Minutes from the meetings for this year can be found below.
We currently have vacancies for a Reception class representative and a Year 6 class representative - if you are interested in either of these positions, please send your name, child's name and contact details in to the school by Wednesday 1st November.